Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1
By openoffice.org (Open Source)
Apache OpenOffice is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing,spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more.
It is available in many languages and works on all common computers. It stores all your data in an international open standard format and can also read and write files from other common office software packages. It can be downloaded and used completely free of charge for any purpose.
Apache OpenOffice is the result of over twenty years' software engineering. Designed from the start as a single piece of software, it has a consistency other products cannot match. A completely open development process means that anyone can report bugs, request new features, or enhance the software. The result: Apache OpenOffice does everything you want your office software to do, the way you want it to.
Title : Apache OpenOffice4.1.1
Filename : Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.1_Win_x86_install_en-GB.exe
File size : 127.4267M
Requirements : Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Languages : Multiple languages
License : Open Source
Date added : 2015-03-19
Author : openoffice.org
* Bug Fixes
- "Read Error" with embedded images after saving in Writer
- *.docx import: import of overlapping bookmarks broken
- 2 scrollbars blocked at the ends of the sheet
- Add Catalan (ca) language
- Add language support for Valencian RACV (ca_XR)
- Add Valencian AVL (ca_XV) language
- Add Valencian RACV (ca_XR) language
- AOO opens Word .docx with wrong text alignment
- Bad SVG import with particular files
- Build no more possible with Xcode 5.1
- buildbot version 411 r1611634 crashes on attached document
- Bundle Catalan (ca) dictionary
- Bundle Catalan (Valencian) (ca-XR) dictionary
- Bundle Catalan (Valencian) (ca-XV) dictionary
- Comment/Annotation applies to wrong table selection
- conditional hidden paragraph does not update after textfield changes value
- conditional text field does not update view after changing variable
- CRASH when 'View - close sidebar' with Navigator active
- Crash when disabling sidebar view after undocking and closing sidebar
- CRASH when open edit mode copy of older document.odt version
- CRASH when scroll through very large and complex .odt
- Crash with sidebar
- Crash: after applying the comment arises the problem with using table
- cropping + scaling image in writer results in a blue rectangle
- CStringEqual can return true for non-equal c-strings
- Dictionaries updates right after installation
- doAccessibleAction(0) failed on combobox with dropdown
- Embedded GDI Metafiles replaced by "Read Error" box after File - Save
- embedded OLE object imported with wrong style from PPTX
- Embedded PNG Pictures replaced by "Read Error" box
- Export to SVG: Error when line contains arrow and text
- File - Versions - Always save a version on closing is not working
- Font color and shadow color cannot be different
- Font Effects not applied correctly
- Formular bar not updating
- German translation update
- German Windows: "unoinfo java" indicates UTF-16LE encoding, but encoding is not UTF-16
- Hangs when applying default format across multiple lines
- Help Text isn't right-aligned, in Hebrew/Arabic languages
- helpex Export::CopyFile is too slow
- Huge memory consumption for very large and complex .odt
- Huge memory usage with docs which contain many graphics
- Inherited style property "Space above/below Paragraph" lost for particular styles
- input fields are no longer considered as cell values
- Insert picture (from file) focus jumps to end of document
- Khmer (km) translation update
- layout differs in AOO 4.1.0 vs 4.0.1 (and previous)
- Left-mouse-down above text edit area crashes, "Index out of bounds"
- Line length miscalculated when character spacing is expanded
- Linked JPG image not preserved when exported to PDF with loss-less compression
- Linked SVG image embedded after save when automatic save has taken place
- Lithuanian (lt) translation update
- Mac and Java Oracle 1.7
- Mac64 only: Mighty Mouse horizontal scrolling issue
- named range with visibility condition can crash writer
- nbintegration: Blanks or Colons in path seem unsupported under windows
- No multimedia support in MacOSX
- Opening complex docx document takes several minutes (but succeeds)
- Opening some documents is much slower
- Picture loss on save
- Pootle damaged file
- Regression Textfield.user cant be deleted via Script
- remove custom allocator support in stlport-replacement headers
- remove obsoleted module-internal custom allocator in SAL
- reset formatting behind special formattings hangs AOO
- Send file as e-mail fails if AOO is in a path with spaces
- SVG export of a selected area causes the whole canvas to be exported
- Thai (th) translation update
- The Lookup Gesture looks up the wrong word
- Traditonal Chinese (zh-tw) translation from Pootle
- Update English dictionaries
- Update Hebrew (he) translation from Pootle
- update meta data
- Update PL (Polish) translation from Pootle
- Update Portuguese-Pt translation
- URL of linked PNG images wrong after save when automatic save has taken place
- Vietnamese (vi) translation
- WW6: outline not imported, thus no TOC entries displayed
- WW8: custom outline numbering has wrong first level style
- WW8: custom Outline numbering imported with wrong level assignment
- WW8: custom Outline Numbering is imported with wrong 2nd level setting
- WW8: imported TOC empty, due to paragraphs having "outline level" property
- WW8: outline imported instead of simple numbered list
- WW8: some headings have no outline level on import
- WW8: table of contents empty due to not assigned outline styles on import
- WW8: wrong style assignment for outline numbering imported
- [GTK] Scrollbars without steppers are buggy
- [SVG] svg node does not consider styles from a style element
* Additional Language Support
- Catalan (ca)
- Catalan (Valencian RACV) ca-XR)
- Catalan (Valencian AVL) (ca-XV)
* Updated translations
- German (de)
- Hebrew (he)
- Khmer (kh)
- Lithuanian (lt)
- Polish (pl)
- Portuguese
- (European) (pt-PT)
- Traditional Chinese (zh-tw)
- Thai (th)
- Vietnamese (vi)
* New and Updated Dictionaries
- Catalan (ca)
- Catalan (Valencian RACV) ca-XR)
- Catalan (Valencian AVL) (ca-XV)
* Updated Dictionaries
- English (en) Only the en-GB dictionary has been updated
- French (fr)
- Portuguese (European) (pt-PT)
- Russian (ru)
- Slovenian (sl)
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