FastPictureViewer 32-bit 1.9.342.0
By Axel Rietschin Software Developments (Commercial Trial)
FastPictureViewer Pro is the best companion to Adobe Lightroom and other digital asset management systems: use it to weed-out your pictures before importing them for development and editing. FPV Pro has all the tools you need to quickly decide if you want to keep an image or not: full color management for faithful color rendition, instant zooming to 100% and back, to check for sharpness, instant RGB histogram to evaluate the exposure, instant lost shadows / highlights view to see where the blocked-up shadows and burned-out highlights zones are located and their extent, and instant EXIF shooting data at a glance.
While installing, if ask for install any thirdparty Addon ,toolbars or change browser settings user can skip or select a custom install.
Title : FastPictureViewer 32-bit1.9.342.0
Filename : FastPictureViewer.msi?v=201503282
File size : 34.7656M
Requirements : Windows (All Versions)
Languages : Multiple languages
License : Commercial Trial
Date added : 2015-04-15
Author : Axel Rietschin Software Developments
- Maintenance release with small performance improvements.
FastPictureViewer 32-bit Screenshots